How to sell more at the end of the year? 7 practical tips to increase sales

How to sell more at the end of the year? 7 practical tips to increase sales

How to sell more at the end of the year? 7 practical tips to increase sales

Empresas de todos os setores sempre se vee

How to sell more at the end of the year? 7 practical tips to increase sales Companies from all sectors always face a great challenge: how to sell more at the end of the year.

It’s an ideal time to hit goals, win more customers and, of course, make more profits. However, in times of crisis, it is important to be aware.

It is necessary to study the market and invest correctly to end the year with more capital in cash. So, if you want to give your business a boost before the year ends, this post was made with you in mind. Check out our 7 Powerful Tips

1. Create bespoke promotions

There are not just price cuts promotions. A very cheap product may, instead of attracting, alienate some customers who are suspicious of the quality of the product due to the low price.

Thus, to create a successful promotion, it is necessary to know your profit margin well and understand what your customers want, establishing how much you can reduce the final price without going out of business.prejudice.

2. Keep an eye on your stock

End of year is time to stock up, right? Not always. The important thing here is balance.

Avoid overstocking, unable to sell, or outdated inventories to avoid losing sales at the most profitable time of the year. To do so, consider promoting your already stocked products and buy only the ones with the highest sales turnover.

3. Get closer to your suppliers to reduce costs

Never forget: the discount given to the customer starts with the discount obtained from your suppliers.

To maximize your year-end sales, it is important to have a digital record of all your suppliers

4. Keep your business attractive

To increase Christmas and end-of-year sales, it is necessary to have renewed windows, efficient websites, and fine-tuned marketing campaigns. Optimize all spaces, physical or virtual, of your business thinking about attracting the eyes of customers. In this way, we think of two forms of strategy:

Physical stores:improve product exposure and ensure the creation of thematic sectors, such as promotions or featured news sessions. Think of strategic checkouts for customers with few purchases, or special service sectors for larger and more detailed purchases.
For virtual stores, create responsive websites. Consider creating hotsites (special sites for a promotion) and landing pages (pages within your online store dedicated to a specific product or service). Invest in layout changes on your site, based on monthly campaigns.

5. Prepare your employees

Year-end sales require greater attention and dedication from your entire team of employees. Train your team to do well on busy days and consider hiring temporary labor to ensure a good flow of service.

6. Prepare for the after-sales

In year-end sales, product switching is just as important as the initial sale.

Although not required by law, this isa facility offered by most businesses, especially at times like Christmas.

7. Think about loyalty

During the year-end sales, your business will welcome multiple customers for the first time. Here’s your chance to make a good impression, ensuring new customers come back for more.

A good loyalty plan is based on a thorough observation of your customers’ behavior. Create, with the help of a commercial automation system, detailed records, specifying the demands of new customers and redouble attention to them.

Many companies also invest in loyalty cards, points programs or progressive discounts to retain their new clientele. Here, once again, the use of chatbots can make all the difference, answering customer questions in an automated and dynamic way.

Take advantage of the end of the year to form a solid base of new customers and start the new year with more consumers in focus!

Bonus tip: keep an eye on thecompetition

In year-end sales, competition is even fiercer. So, don’t make the mistake of closing yourself in a bubble and not paying attention to what happens in the market around you.

Keep a close eye on what companies in the same industry are doing. But no copying strategies; what matters here is understanding how your business behaves when compared to competitors. Think like your customer: compare prices, services, structure, logistics and strengthen any weaknesses.

1. Create bespoke promotions

There are not just price cuts promotions. A very cheap product may, instead of attracting, alienate some customers who are suspicious of the quality of the product due to the low price. So, to create a successful promotion, you need to know your profit margin well and understand what your customers want, establishing how much you can reduce the final price without losing out.

There are not just price cuts promotions. A very cheap product may, instead of attracting, alienate some customers who are suspicious of the quality of the product due to the low price. So, to create a successful promotion, you need to know your profit margin well and understand what your customers want, establishing how much you can reduce the final price without losing out.

2. Keep an eye on your stockEnd of year is time to stock up, right? 

Not always. The important thing here is balance.Avoid overstocking, unable to sell, or outdated inventories to avoid losing sales at the most profitable time of the year. To do so, consider promoting your already stocked products and buy only the ones with the highest sales turnover.

3. Get closer to your suppliers to reduce costs

Never forget: the discount given to the customer starts with the discount obtained from your suppliers.To maximize your year-end sales, it’s important to have adigital register of all your suppliers  

4. Keep your business attractive

To increase Christmas and end-of-year sales, it is necessary to have renewed windows, efficient websites, and fine-tuned marketing campaigns. Optimize all spaces, physical or virtual, of your business thinking about attracting the eyes of customers. In this way, we think of two forms of strategy:Physical stores: improve product exposure and ensure the creation of thematic sectors, such as promotions or featured news sessions. Think of strategic checkouts for customers with few purchases, or special service sectors for larger and more detailed purchases.For online stores, create responsive websites. Consider creating hotsites (special sites for a promotion) and landing pages (pages within your online store dedicated to a specific product or service). Invest in layout changes on your site, based on monthly campaigns.

5. Prepare your employees

Year-end salesrequire greater attention and dedication from your entire team of employees. Train your team to do well on busy days and consider hiring temporary labor to ensure a good flow of service.

6. Prepare for the after-salesIn year-end sales, product switching is just as important as the initial sale.Although not required by law, this is a facility offered by most businesses, especially at times like Christmas.

7. Think about loyalty

During the year-end sales, your business will welcome multiple customers for the first time. Here’s your chance to make a good impression, ensuring new customers come back for more.A good loyalty plan is based on a thorough observation of your customers’ behavior. 

Create, with the help of a commercial automation system, detailed records, specifying the demands of new customers and redouble attention to them.Many companies still invest in credit cards.loyalty programs, points programs or progressive discounts to retain your new clientele. Here, once again, the use of chatbots can make all the difference, answering customer questions in an automated and dynamic way.

Take advantage of the end of the year to form a solid base of new customers and start the new year with more consumers in focus!Bonus Tip: Keep an Eye on the CompetitionIn year-end sales, competition is even fiercer. 

So, don’t make the mistake of closing yourself in a bubble and not paying attention to what happens in the market around you.Keep a close eye on what companies in the same industry are doing. But no copying strategies; what matters here is understanding how your business behaves when compared to competitors. Think like your customer: compare prices, services, structure, logistics and strengthen any weaknesses.



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